Community health workers meet door-to-door marketing.
Women selling mascara (and possibly taking on too much risk to do so) is one thing, but these ladies are taking franchise distribution to another level: preventative care.
Why do health promoters sell body lotion or laundry detergent? It helps them stay in business — sustainability is key here — and it attracts customers who then might get interested in health products like de-worming pills. It also allows Living Goods to tweak prices — it charges near-market prices for sanitary pads or detergent so it can subsidize products with a bigger health impact, like oral rehydration salts or a safe delivery kit, at 30 percent below market.
I wonder if this business model work in family planning...
Women selling mascara (and possibly taking on too much risk to do so) is one thing, but these ladies are taking franchise distribution to another level: preventative care.
Why do health promoters sell body lotion or laundry detergent? It helps them stay in business — sustainability is key here — and it attracts customers who then might get interested in health products like de-worming pills. It also allows Living Goods to tweak prices — it charges near-market prices for sanitary pads or detergent so it can subsidize products with a bigger health impact, like oral rehydration salts or a safe delivery kit, at 30 percent below market.
I wonder if this business model work in family planning...